Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Addenda > page [11]



New York, Nov. 10th 1856 Dec. 29th, 1856

     George Smith of Norfolk, Va., the property of capt. Geo. S. Smith, (a gentleman of leisure, who lives by hiring out his slaves, of whom he has some thirty or forty) came in a vessel from that place which started on Sunday last. (?) He was concealed by a white man, whose name he does not know, for the sum of $20 all the cash he had. Was stowed in the forward part of the vessel, on the deck, in a place where they stow canvas &c. Was 4 days on the passage during which time he was cared for by this man.

     His wife and child had been sold by his master to a party in Wilmington, N.C., besides having been subjected to a good deal of hard usage and these were the reasons for his leaving.

     Geo. is 32 years old. He wants to find employment in the vicinity of New York – for the winter.

     Gave him $1.25 and sent him on his way to find employment.


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