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    Jewels in Her Crown: Treasures of Columbia University Libraries Special Collections

Exhibition Themes > History of Science, Mathematics, Technology > 167. Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre

167.  Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre (1787-1851).  Historique et description des procédés du daguerréotype et du diorama. Paris: Susse frères, 1839. RBML, Epstean Collection

Edward Epstean (1868-1945) began collecting books about the history and science of photography in order to aid his own work, beginning in 1892, as a pioneering photo-engraver. His collection was also focused on the applications of photography to the graphic arts, and is an important, though not widely known, addition to the rich holdings of the RBML pertaining to the art and technique of printing.

Gift of Edward Epstean, 1934

Columbia University Libraries / Butler Library / 535 West 114th St. / New York, NY 10027 / (212) 854-7309 /
