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    Jewels in Her Crown: Treasures of Columbia University Libraries Special Collections

Exhibition Themes > Art & Architecture > 69. Frank Lloyd Wright

69.  Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959).  Drawing of dining room, Dana House, Springfield, Illinois. Watercolor on paper, (62 x 50.5 cm.), 1902-1904. Avery Library, Drawings and Archives

Susan Lawrence Dana commissioned this house from Wright in 1902-1904, which is now a state landmark. The cut-away view of the dining room, complete with furniture, hanging lamps, sculpture, and wallpaper, makes the room look much larger than its true size. This drawing appears in an early photograph of Wright's Oak Park office and was purchased from the architect's son, John Lloyd Wright. John Wright's notes indicate that his father was the draughtsman, although others have claimed authorship for George Niedecken, an interior decorator who collaborated with Wright.

Purchased from John Lloyd Wright, 1969

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