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Exhibition Creation > Add an Exhibit

These are the steps you need to take to create your exhibition.

Click on Exhibits on Omeka's administrative Dashboard and then click the Add an Exhibit box. You are now on the Add Exhibit screen.  Here you provide the following information:

  1. Title – Enter the title of the exhibit. This will appear at the top of your exhibit’s pages.
  2. Slug – The slug will appear in your exhibit’s URL. Choose a short slug that is also descriptive. Do not use upper case letters or spaces. Use an underscore to separate words.
  3. Credits – Enter the name(s) responsible for the exhibit. (Optional information.)
  4. Description – Enter a description of the exhibit. The WYSIWYG editor can help you style your description. (Optional information.)
  5. Tags – Descriptive words or phrases about the exhibit. (Optional information.)
  6. Theme - Select the cul-general theme from the drop-down menu. Then click the green Save Changes box.
  7. Public – This field asks if your exhibit should be open to everyone or only to you as the creator. You can choose to “hide” your exhibit by not clicking the box, but make sure to click it when you are ready to go live.
  8. Featured – This field asks if your exhibit should appear as one of the home page featured exhibits. Since we do not use Omeka's ready-made home page this box should not be checked
  9. Save Changes - Click the green Save Changes box when you are finished.

The next step is to Configure your exhibit. Click the green Configure box to go to the CUL General Configuration screen and follow the instructions on the Configure an Exhibit page.

Libraries Digital Program Division / Butler Library / 535 West 114th St. / New York, NY 10027 /
