The People in the Books: Hebraica and Judaica Manuscripts from Columbia University Libraries

Congregants > Shofar blasts

Seder tekiʻat Shofar: ʻal derekh ha-Kabalah.
Manuscript in Hebrew on paper.
Italy, 1785.
MS X893 K512
Rare Book and Manuscript Library

There are three different sounds included in the shofar service on Rosh Hashana: a long, unbroken sound, three distinct blasts, and a quick succession of blasts.  The guide displayed here describes some of the kabbalistic meditations for the shofar blowing.  Note the decorative space-fillers between each blast description.  The scribe, Aviʻad Sar Shalom Norzi, also included a family genealogy in the beginning of the manuscript.

Seder tekiʻat Shofar: 6v-7r


Rare Book & Manuscript Library / Butler Library, 6th Fl. East / 535 West 114th St. / New York, NY 10027 / (212) 854-5153 /